
In the play “Julius Caesar”, there are three archetypes found. An Archetype is an original that has been imitated, it also can be none as a pattern or a repetition. There  are  also different   types  based  on  what  the Archetypes can be  Situational,character ,and symbolic.

One archetype that was found in the film “Julius Caesar” is quest. A quest is a long or arduous search for something. in the play of Julius Caesar they were on a quest. Antony became so corrupted in their quest for power that they killed Julius Caesar, so as to gain his power. This archetype can refer back to the movie “Journey”. Journey is about how a guy is on quest to find his pawpaw on an ancient Island.

The next archetype that was found in the film was hero. There hero in the film  Julius Caesar was Brutus. Brutus was the hero because he killed Brutus. This can refer back to the next movie I chose, which was called “Max” I chose that movie because Max killed a lot of people just to help others out.

My last archetype was heaven and earth. In the story things fell from the sky, Such as thunder, rain, and fire which symobolized heaven and earth in the movie. The movie I chose for this archetype is romeo and Juliet.

I chose these archetypes because the archetypes that I chose could help the reader better understand what their watching. Also, it shows that all kinds of movies could have similar archetypes and be alike.

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